PRESSING PAST PAIN: Lessons learnt

PRESSING PAST PAIN: Lessons learnt

Have you ever been persecuted? Despite the abuse of the National Security Agency surveillance and the harassments and threatenings, are President Obama and the secret organization here in the USA what they do? No. “They engage in bad practices and may not have much respect for people’s lives and properties, yet they, like all their victims, should receive love.”–Pressing Past Pain: Lessons learnt.
In this book, Christian author, Cellicia Hunt tries to uplift men and women and provides 13 practical tips,  for a variety of challenges, that she has learned from painful experiences.
Interested in a copy of this book? It is available at

Finding Hope

Are self-centeredness and rebellion against God and His love really at the root of the sickness that plaques the world? And if so, where can we find hope?

When I consider the ways in which my son, my family and I have been persecuted in the last few years, the uses of the surveillance, wiretapping and the corruption in the private and public sectors (the secrecy system), I am left with many questions. What could the President of the United States or the secret court hope to achieve by using surveillance to threaten citizens (men, women and children) and causing harm to those whom they choose to? Is it all about having absolute power? Yet what is in it for other politicians, medical professionals or other businessmen? Is it all about maintaining policies or systems that will keep their businesses in good standing? Why do they seek to do wrong to their brothers and sisters (citizens) or allies (like Israel) or other neighbors as well (some Caribbean nations and other countries)? What about “All men are created equal”—as the Constitution states? Can this statement be true in our world today? Do we want this to be true? Throughout the centuries, men and women have fought for respect and their sense of value, yet who or what determines value? Is your value in what you possess or don’t possess? Is your value solely in how others see you? What makes you valuable? And what does it even mean to be equal? Is it what we feel it should be or is it just what it is?

When we look around the world today, we see what can be classified as a level of chaos, but have you ever wondered about your role in it? Many of our ancestors fought for freedom and we owe them a great level of gratitude for many of the things we possess today. So why is there a celebration of their work and yet a display of hate for their accomplishments—for they fought against oppression and have some people not placed several forms on their fellow men?

Why is there a need for order in every sector of a society? Why can’t every man really be allowed to do whatever he wants to do? Why should there be boundaries? And who really gives power? Is it really allowed by God through people for the betterment of people and the development of the world? And is it given for someone to lord it over them or to serve them? Are all industries also created to serve the needs of the people in a country or other countries? How are they serving the people?

When employees trade their time and talents, though it is businesses that pay them for it, do owners forget that this is power in their employees? Do people not give power so that their needs and those of others are served and satisfied or that the quality of life is enhanced? And when the President of the United States or business owners or leaders develop systems to hurt the very ones who gave them power, are they not setting ditches for themselves? When they treat people’s lives and homes as a game, initiate job losses, increase people’s expenses, stage road accidents, make people sick in various ways, pay the less fortunate to hurt themselves and each other or fund other men’s greed, do they believe God does not see? What about these systems that they build? Will they not cause them to fall? What are they building and why are they building? Is greed for money or power ever untamed? Does it ever stop saying “not enough”?

What are men really fighting for? What about the nations? Were not wars all started as a result of the condition of men’s hearts? Could many have not been avoided, if those involved chose other means to resolve issues? Why divide America?

Why shouldn’t everyone just ignore the laws? Why can’t all just do whatever they want whenever they want to? Is that what it means to be free? What is freedom? And if you are free, why do you ever need to hide anything you do? It shouldn’t matter right? Or does it matter because you know you need order and things really deteriorate in confusion?

And to you who say ‘do not steal’ and seek another’s punishment, do you steal? You who fight so hard to protect that which you have gained, is some of what you have even yours? You who create policies on human rights, do you get involved in acts to take those rights away? Would you call any of this selfishness or greed? And if so, when do you presume it would stop being the order of the day? When you become the victims of your own systems? For isn’t that the way seed, time and harvest works—if you do not uproot the seed? And why wouldn’t you want to? Aren’t you trying to build and not destroy?

According to the Bible, the earth is the way it is because sin makes us sick in every sense of the word. We inherited certain challenges through our bloodline that attract a variety of issues and so on. It also demonstrates that what we do does not only affect us but those associated with us: our families, friends, communities, nation and the earth. The world needs healing and the spirits of men need to be awakened. However, God made healing available through Jesus Christ as a gift and this healing starts from the inside and over time manifests on the outside.

I believe God loves all men and has already provided everything pertaining to life and godliness, but we decide when we receive most of them. So 2,000 years ago, He came in the form of Jesus to pay the penalty for sin once for all; for sin has a price that we wouldn’t be able to pay by ourselves. So because God requires righteousness, He decided to come and provide it to us—we receive His righteousness as a gift and thus, are placed in right standing with Him by faith in Him. He also gave His Holy (Righteous) spirit, who comforts, teaches and guides us in the ‘classroom of life’, then encourages us to daily renew our minds with His word and learn to become like Him.

He encourages us to walk in love and forgiveness, for ourselves and others, to keep ourselves free from mindsets that would cause us to again be bound and that we may receive His forgiveness as well. His grace is sufficient for us and His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

If you are looking for hope, let me tell you that there is great hope in Christ.


For more information, contact Cellicia Hunt at: